Startups need conferences which work for them. That’s why The White
Conference has changed the setup. Not only do attending startups not have to
pay a steep participation fee to attend, but they also get good business leads
and a way to implement their solutions into businesses without getting stuck
in the enterprise’s red tape.
That’s why we changed the setup totally – At The White Conference, big
businesses join the conference, bringing at least one tangible industry challenge
they face plus some funding. This challenge gets solved by one or more attending
AR/VR startups.
- If you are selected, win up to $250,000 for pilot project with one of the participating enterprises
- Add references of successful enterprises to your portfolio and find new investors
- Establish a pathway to future projects
How to participate
- Apply to be part of the AR/VR startup portfolio
- Invest $100 as conference participation fee (for up to 2 attendees), if you are selected