Topics at Peacetech Forum Helsinki

We bring together conflict transformation professionals with the tech and startup community to talk about how technology, social media, news and new technologies can affect our behaviour.

How can the Finnish technological know-how be leveraged to tackle the massive global challenges of transforming conflicts and building sustainable societies? The event is organized with Peace Invaders, Peace Innovation Lab at Stanford and Helsinki Think Company.

May 18th 5:00pm
at Microsoft Flux Finland


5:00pm Doors open to Microsoft Flux Finland
5:30pm Keynote speakers
6:00pm Peacetech Panel
7:00pm Q&A


Pekka Haavisto,
Finnish Foreign Ministry,
President of the Board, European Institute of Peace

Appointed 2014 as Foreign Minister’s Special Representative for African Crises. He has worked as the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) in Sudan and Darfur (2005-2007), and as a Special Advisor for the UN (ASG) in Darfur peace process (2007). He has also led several missions to conflict areas as the Chairman of UNEP’s post-conflict work in 1999-2005.

Mark Nelson,
Stanford Peace Innovation Lab,

Former relief-worker, investment banker, and social entrepreneur, Mark Nelson founded and co-directs Stanford Peace Innovation Lab, where he researches mass collaboration and mass interpersonal persuasion.

Maria Mekri,
Executive Director

Maria Mekri is the Executive Director of SaferGlobe, Finland’s leading think tank on peace and security. She has years of management experience, expertise on a wide range of topics related to peace and security.

Timo Honkela,
University of Helsinki,
Professor at the Department of Modern Language

Working more than 30 years on artificial intelligence and natural language processing. More than 20 years of experience in applications of artificial neural networks and statistical machine learning within humanities and social sciences. Honkela is now focused on Peace Machine concept.

Mika Välitalo,
Plan International,
Digital Development

Mika Välitalo has a decade of experience on using locally relevant technologies for positive social impact in the Global South.

Mikaeli Langinvainio,

Inforglobe is a Finnish-Jordanian startup developing technologies for peace and inclusive management. Mikaeli has worked at CMI and Finnish Defence Forces and Ministry of the Interior as a senior official on crisis management and peace building related issues.

Aape Pohjavirta,

Founder of Funzi, a mobile learning and information service for the emerging markets, and an entrepreneurship coach and lecturer in Startup Sauna, Aalto University, DTBi.

Hani Tarabichi,
Aalto University,
Researcher at Innovation Management Institute

Co-Founder of Syrian Young Entrepreneurs Association and mentor for BEDAYA - Microcredit Finance Program.